Strong Feminine Style • Travel Enthusiast
What does style mean to you?
Style is a daily personal journey to share with the world. I identify with feminine with a gentle strength in love and joy. Style expresses the woman I am, on this day, in this moment.
What makes you feel powerful ?
My love for others and their love for me.
What inspires you?
The most subtle beauties of our world - sunlight, laughter, love, my children.
What is your go-to outfit?
Masculine style pants with a feminine twist and a wonderfully feminine top. This is who I am. Strong, feminine, brave and worthy.
Favorite place to dine?
Outside in my garden in Ocean Grove, NJ or in the countryside overlooking a vineyard or bustling piazza. While the food is important, the connection to where it is that I am enjoying it is more so.
What is your favorite city to visit?
Rome… The fast pace with its unique ability to come to a grinding halt to enjoy a meal. The history, below and above ground. The constant reminder that we are living in a moment in time. This is not how the world shall always be. There is no end to the evolution of man, country or politics.
Name one thing on your bucket list:
To spend two months out of a year living in a different city or country.